Understanding Bone and Joint Challenges

Our bones and joints become a source of potential serious injury as we age, and because last week was Bone and Joint National Action Week, everyone should be thinking about ways to care for these important body parts. Of course, a diet high in calcium and vitamin D are great for growing kids, but older adults need to continue to take these issues seriously. Here are some facts and tips to consider. 

Bone and Joint Injury and Disease Facts

According to the National Bone and Joint Initiative half of adult Americans suffer from musculoskeletal complications and many of these people require medical intervention for care. The National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of health, identifies Osteoarthritis, falls and fractures, and Osteoporosis are among the most important health topics related to aging. Currently, there are some basic treatments for bone and joint injury and disease, but these conditions are often cumulative and degenerative, and the best that can be done is treatment of the pain and other symptoms.


In addition to diet and supplements, the most significant way to prevent and alleviate bone and joint conditions is through a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise strengthens muscles, which eases the strain on bones and joints. Luckily, it’s never too late to start, but if exercise hasn’t been a part of daily activities, it is important to consult with a physician before starting a new program. 

Treatment and Care

Individuals with debilitating bone and joint problems, including severe pain, can find their lives impacted in many ways. Simple tasks like laundry, cooking and cleaning can become major hurdles. In order to maximize independence and minimize pain, it is important to follow doctor’s orders about medication and treatment like physical therapy. Where an extra pair of hands can help with things that require dexterity like folding laundry or dicing vegetables, home health care can make a huge difference in continued life enjoyment. 

At CarePlus Home Health, we work with clients to help them feel able to stay in their homes as long as possible. We do this by assessing their needs and providing trained, professional assistance to round out their lives in the ways that make the most meaningful impact. For clients with bone and joint challenges like arthritis, we can assist with meal preparation, laundry and other household activities that may be impacted. For more information about how we can help, contact us today for a free assessment.