Specialized Programs

CarePlus provides comprehensive in-home services for assisted daily living and offers specialized programs for older adults living with Dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Strokes and other medical conditions.

Our caregivers can help with lifestyle strategies, nutrition and daily living, physical stability, mobility and exercise, and fall prevention, as well as building confidence and perspective and connecting the older adult with others in their situation and with community programs.

Helping older adults remain at home is our passion.

For over 25 years, we have taken pride in helping our clients in Montgomery County and the surrounding area age in place with excellent services provided by highly trained, trustworthy and compassionate caregivers.

We Put Your Family First in Home Care



Our program provides care for those who are experiencing forgetfulness to those who are confused and tend to wander.

Our support includes:

  • Medication Management
  • Escorts to Doctor Appointments
  • Meal Preparation
  • Other Services that can be customized for your family member include: technology solutions, medical alerts, wandering prevention and safety assessments


Our Parkinson’s program provides care for individuals and incorporates best practices to slow down the progression of the disease including newly diagnosed or those with a chronic illness. Since Parkinson’s has varying degrees, our program takes this into consideration. The Care Plus program is designed to provide customized care to promote wellness on an individualized basis.

Parkinson’s Program includes:

  • Lifestyle strategies: exercise, nutrition and daily living
  • Physical, Occupational Therapy and Personal Trainers: prevent falls, improve gait and flexibility, increase motor coordination, build strength and stability
  • Emotional: confidence, perspective and empathy
  • Social: connecting with others and community programs

Our Customized Program

We provide an individualized and customized care program to support you or your family member.

We will start with a Home Assessment and then evaluate the following:

  • Speech or language
  • Balance and vision
  • Dietary needs
  • Emotional support
  • Support for cognitive changes
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