10 Ways to Live Normally With a Leaky Bladder

Did you know you can retrain your brain, your muscles, and your habits to control an overactive bladder? Bladder control is a big issue for10 Ways to Live Normally With a Leaky Bladder graphic aging adults, family members and caregivers.    It can be embarrassing for our loved ones and our in home caregivers of Maryland are well trained and understand this challenging problem. We hope you find this information helpful.

“Nervous about going out because your bladder sometimes leaks? Or constantly worried about getting to a bathroom on time? About one in five adults over age 40 has problems with urinary urgency and frequency, according to the National Association for Continence. But an overactive bladder (OAB), also called urge incontinence or irritable bladder, doesn’t have to cramp your lifestyle.”  Continue reading>>

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